Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thankful She is Very Flexible

I have to give some credit to Duchess honestly I know our life has not been as fun the past couple of months, but everyday she gets up and makes it look easy. I know there are days I am sure she feels the same way as me that going to my office is really less than enjoyable for her. I do try to make here as comfortable as possible and have things she can do. I know that our breaks are never long enough and the walks are never long enough for a very active lab but thankfully she is always so good about it all. I have made sure I have a jar of peanut butter which I put in her Kong or bones. This seems to keep her busy and happy most days. I am amazed that regardless if we off to my job she always gets up willing and does it with such a great attitude. I know my dog loves to sleep in most mornings but she will get up when the alarm goes off at 5:20 every morning.

She continually makes the best of what ever is going on. This past weekend I did not feel great so I watched some movies at home and she was so great about just hanging out at home. Normally our weekends are so short and I am running around like crazy. She was so great about the fact that we did not go very many places and I know how much she loves going places. She was great about waiting till I felt better to play and go for a short walk. She played outside and enjoyed the beautiful day that it was . She is all around very flexible service dog who will go along with changes and makes it all look easy.

I am still amazed that I have been a team with here for three years. She continues to amaze me withe her work ethic and just how much she loves being with me everyday. I know I have scared her at times and had to have periods of long hours at my work. She continues regardless to get up everyday and love what she does and takes on new tasks so well. I am hoping to start some new training soon with her when things slow down again. She learns so easily it can be fun to see what I can teach her to do next.

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