Friday, September 20, 2013

Ran Across a Great Video Last Night

I know one of the most frustrating parts of dealing with diabetes over the years is the complete lack of concern for the mental well being of me as the patient. Until I found my new Dr. I have never been asked every time I come in how are things going for me and is there any major concerns for me. It was quite refreshing. I have dealt on and off with depression which is not uncommon with chronic illness's. I think I had been depressed through all of high school and my parents and Dr.'s did not even notice until after I graduated high school. Through all my struggles with my Diabetes I think I have learned so much about balancing things in my life but at times I am unable to pull myself out of a depression without help. The past couple of year I thankfully have been able to do things to get things back in order. I know the in the US there is a very negative stigma attached to depression and the symptoms. I have attached the below video with some great points by a young man. 

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