Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Evaluation of My Options

                     After all my issues with my Dexcom recently I am trying to think of some other options for night alerts. I am seriously looking into getting a dog that I can train for night alerts and let Duchess sleep more at night. She does alert but can miss some occasionally because honestly she works longs hours. I do not expect her to be able to do it all there is some dogs that do alert at night as Duchess did when I was in college but she has not done as well since I have been back to work. I know everyone else's experiences with the G4 has been great but they have not been the best at resolving the issues. I went to My CDE yesterday and they are going to ask Dexcom for a loaner receiver to make sure that is no the issue. I have thought that all along but Dexcom keeps insisting that there is nothing wrong with my receiver. I am hoping to resolve this issue but if not I will get a dog for night alerts and train them to be a back up dog and for night alerts. Plus I think Duchess would really enjoy having a friend who she could play with. I know dogs are pack animals and I'm sure she would love the company. I am not used to having a dog that would stay at home so there would be some adjustments. I have not made up my mind completely but I need to evaluate all my options to make sure I am well covered as far as my night alerts.

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