Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Things to Try

I had the honor to receive a copy of the cook book "Sweet Debbie's Organic Treats" from Debbie Adler. She runs a highly successful business in LA since 2006. I have tried two recipes so far from the book and loved both.


The Recipe I tried was the Blueberry Strueusel Donut Holes. I like the fact they were incredibly moist and not too overly heavy. Debbie's Recipe has a special flour mixture she used which I know made a big difference in how this recipe turned out when I made them at home. I could not find the coconut nectar in my area so I had to order from Amazon which does carry it. In order to test the recipe sooner I used agave instead of the coconut nectar but had to add more water because the agave is much thicker than the coconut nectar would be. I just adjusted the water amount as I mixed the ingredients until it was a soft dough. If you use the coconut nectar there will be no need for adjustments. The overall taste of the donut holes were great they were not too heavy but still like a donut hole would normally be. I enjoyed the fact that I did not have any blood sugar spikes and the recipes do have the Carbohydrates listed which made for easier dosing. The recipe would be great for type 2 Diabetics as well with it being lower carbohydrates and sugar.

I have included the recipe below. I will also provide the recipe for the flour mixture as well.

Flour Mix will make more than needed for this receipe but can be stored for future use.

Instructions for flour use.

 I loved the two recipes I have tried so far. I will try to make more recipes in the next couple of weeks and share them with you. I love the chocolate cookie recipe I tried and the flour mixture that she uses for her recipes is not only healthy but also really makes for a great tasting deserts and breads. I know I love the two recipes I have tried so far and looking forward to trying more as I have time. I am hoping you all enjoy the recipe like I have. Also if you are unable to find some of the flours I recommend Amazon they also have a large selection of gluten free flours at a reasonable price.You can find Debbie's book on Amazon and most book stores such as Barnes and Nobles.

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