Monday, August 19, 2013

Sometimes I Just Need Time

              I know when it gets to the busiest time of year for me I know things get so busy I feel like I don't really get to enjoy life as much as I would like. I know yesterday I had so many things I needed to get done including cleaning up my place as I normally would but I really wanted to watch my dvd's of Downton Abbey instead vacuuming and mopping floors. I know I should be doing those things but I just wanted to chill on lay on my bed and watch the show. I had the best time and got the time to relax and enjoy my time. I know the rest of the week I will split up the things I was supposed to get done this week during the week and I happy I did that because honestly with the diabetes, little time for fun, keeping a house clean and everything else life throws at me I needed the time. I know with this being the time of year I tend to have seizures if I am tired I rest, if I am feeling overwhelmed I take the time to breathe for a minute, and I work at reducing my stress by exercise. I know I was lazy yesterday but at least I got to enjoy my time having some fun also in my mind helped keep my stress low because I know I will get to the things that need to be done but I think we all have days when we really just need to do nothing just for a little while. Duchess really enjoyed the afternoon of playing with my roomates dog, sunbathing in the back yard and playing with her toys instead of watching me clean. I think we both needed some downtime and I know I don't always allow myself the time I need but I don't think you can put a price on the time I got yesterday. In fact my blood sugars were steady and not too crazy so it was just what I needed for my sanity and my diabetes.


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