Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nervous About the Change

                      It has been an interesting week with Duchess. She is extremely persistent if my blood sugar moves even a tiny bit and she is practically laying on my legs under my desk which is very unusual. Normally she is on the dog cot which is right next to my desk. She is very close so she can detect things quickly but I am not sure why she is so very watchful. I am a little nervous because she is watching me like a hawk and seems so animated about it as well. I am hoping nothing is going to happen but that seems very strange behavior for her in many ways. I know the stress recently has affected her but I know I have been exercising in the evening to keep my stress down and keep things mellowed out. I know her so well but this change in behavior worries me greatly. I know that at times her alerting she can be sharper than others where she will alert sooner to changes. So this could be that but it is different in many ways. I know the exercise is good for her as well and so I know it helps with the negative environment that my work place has become for us. So I am reviewing my basal again to spot any patterns and looking at my Dexcom data for things I need to change to reduce the risks of a bad low or seizure. In September I will have been seizure free a year and I really want to stay that way and I know Duchess does too. I am hoping also snacking more through out the day will also help to keep the bad drops at bay but I also know from experience you can't always stop everything no matter how you try but I am giving it my best shot.

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