Thursday, January 17, 2013

Keeping Duchess Happier

                I have been working on my relationship with Duchess because our relationship is key to keeping me safe. He wanting to continue working at her job is necessary because the more she likes her work the better she will perform her job. I do spoil her rotten but I believe she has earned every bit of it. I am trying to make things more exciting for her by trying new activities to do while on break such as a little training plus play time. This balances out the amount of training to small amounts her and there instead of a longer training session. I have also been trying new stimulating toys that require some thought process on her part to figure out how to get the treat out of the container or a dog puzzle. She seems to like these activities as well. I am thinking of doing some rally activities in the future with Duchess she is very good jumper and obstacle courses I think would be something fun for her to do. She is so smart I am always looking for ways to keep her active and happy.The happier the dog the better alerts.

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