Monday, June 24, 2013

Back on Track

                    After last week I felt very blessed to be supported by the feel who read my blogs and left comments. I can't thank you enough. I thankfully was able to stay strong and follow through on what I needed too. I know their is still some possible retaliation situation but I will be recording these even in my journal at work to track the events so that I am able to keep any situations handled by HR. So I feel at least at ease that I can keep things managed and less stressful.

        I had plans for the weekend but my plans I originally had fallen through and I had been out shopping and noticed I had not heard a the text so I was really delighted to see if was from my best friend. She was going to be in Austin for the afternoon. I had not seen her in quite a while. She has been dealing with some personal things and needed some space. So I gave her the space she needed and time as well. So it was such a great time of catching up. The nice things about a best friend is no matter how much time has gone by you would never know it because it seems like not time has gone by when you get together. It was just what I needed. I feel refreshed again and with new energy in many ways. I guess I have also been working so much it all tends to build up and drain my energy in many ways. I know my up coming vacation will be much needed this year especially with all overtime I work. The sad part is that I will average around 600 emails when I get back from vacation but I guess that is the downside of a vacation in many ways. I know I need to start adding more fun into the mix of thing otherwise I end up feeling drained and not great. I think adding diabetes to the mix only complicated things more. Thankfully my blood sugars have also mellowed out some and seem to be back to normal for the most part. Hope everyone has a great start to Monday!!!

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