Thursday, November 20, 2014

Feeling More Relaxed

I am happy that today is much less stressful after all the co motion at work has settled. There was a great deal of fluctuation yesterday in my blood sugar because of all the changes at work. I am okay with the change because it is meaning that my job is becoming more manageable  as things will change. I know that working out every night this week has really seemed to help me cope with all the craziness. I know the next couple of months will be more stressful and I plan to continue to make sure that I am able to continue to exercise as things continue to be stressful. I have noticed that before this year I would have been having a great deal of lows right now because of all the stress but this time I feel relaxed and focused. It is really nice to know that my exercise is really helping me to handle things better.

I know after this week a good distraction is just what I need. I am really looking forward to my Lilly Journey Award presentation by my Dr.'s office tonight for my 25 year medal. I know it seems strange to be getting it now with my 35th year Diabetes anniversary coming up next March. I am still amazed with the fact that my Dr. office is making this such a bid deal but it really also makes receiving the medal a little more special. I know all of Diabetes work hard to keep things going day after day so tonight will be a nice reminder of this. I know I am also looking forward to meeting other long term type 1 Diabetics at the event. I am hoping they continue to offer more events for to attend. I have to say I do love my Endocrinologist team.

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