Friday, December 14, 2012


                    I am so ready for some time off from work and I know the break is so needed for Duchess. I already have my suitcase out and have packed some things already. Duchess is funny in that she has flown so much she will actually put the toys she wants to take with her on the trip in my suitcase. She also will pack her dog boots and her raincoat tool. I feel like I need to pack a suit case just for her. When I travel with Duchess I always have doggie bags, dog boots, rain coat, dog jacket, treats, toys and clean up supplies. I try to be prepared for any weather condition because she goes everywhere with me I try not to track in dirt and mud so I try to have all the things I might need. Duchess normally does not wear a dog jacket but Seattle is going to be in the 40's and it has been mostly in the 70's recently so this will be a big drop in temperature. I am trying to make sure she is comfortable during our trip. I also bring along a blanket or mat to lie on the floor of plane so she can rest while we fly. I know to make my trips easier I copy all of the airline published requirements for service animals to fly so I can educate if necessary. I had a trip they kept telling me I needed a Dr.'s note to fly because they assumed she was an emotional support animal. I also have the procedures for TSA printed as well. That way I can say something it they try to change the procedures.

Duchess at the airport this past July giving me those eyes. I think my blood sugar was moving around at that time.

                    I am feeling ready for my flight now if it was only Wednesday evening and I would be on my way.


  1. I think that is SO CUTE that Duchess brings her things to your suitcase! Totally made me smile.

  2. I am glad she made you smile. I know she does the same for me. She is full of personality and way too smart.

  3. She is adorable!!! I didnt know they let you have the dog with you on flights. Thats wonderful!

  4. Thank you I think so too. A service dog can go anywhere the general public can go with including, hotels, malls, stores, taxi's, flights, subways, boats and etc. but there is some exceptions to the rules.
