Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Other Half of Diabetes

Diabetes Blog Week Post: Click for the The Other Half of Diabetes - Tuesday 5/17 Link List.
We think a lot about the physical component of diabetes, but the mental component is just as significant. How does diabetes affect you or your loved one mentally or emotionally? How have you learned to deal with the mental aspect of the condition? Any tips, positive phrases, mantras, or ideas to share on getting out of a diabetes funk? (If you are a caregiver to a person with diabetes, write about yourself or your loved one or both!)

I know each Diabetic seems to have there only ways to deal with their Diabetes. I know I tend to go overboard with it all but John my boyfriend manages his differently he is very laid back about dealing with the stress of it all while I am a control freak when it comes to my Diabetes. I know at times during lows it can be difficult to see John attacking everything in the fridge that is not nailed down. I know he had just over treated the low by a large amount and that the roller coaster effect will be starting soon. I try not to judge because I have had my moments too but at times I have to remind myself what it is like to have that feeling of never ending hunger for food while low. Since I have Hypoglycemia Unawareness I tend to get not warning and not extreme need to eat or a fast beating heart. Instead I am able to treat my low with no fear of anything even if my blood sugar is really low. I know I have forgotten in someways what the feeling was like. I know I try my best to not say anything to John but instead try to get him to eat a little less food to reduce the roller coaster affect.

It can be so easy to get wrapped up in your numbers at any given time and forget that you are not the only Diabetic in the household. I know I handle my stress with my Diabetes by blogging and John just keeps busy with other things and that works for him. I know to make sure I am not over stepping my bounds I have found that leaving the decision up to him and if he is struggling still then offering help. I know I have learned so much from all the bloggers in the community and I love to share what I have learned but sometimes other Diabetics don't want to know this neat trick you know. I know with John most of the time if I let him ask me it gives us both the space to figure out things. No matter what way we deal with the hard days the important part is that we are giving it our best shot. I know he has his way and I have my way. I know my crazy wonky ways of dealing with things can drive him crazy but other times he loves the little things I do. Like he steals my Bard wipes to help keep the Dexcom sensors attached and loves the Opsite Flexfix that I use to keep them attached even longer.

I know we all have our tough moments so at times it is good to see how another deals with issues and learn some things. I know I tend to be so hard on myself and John is teaching me in his own way that I need to be more forgiving with myself because at the end of the day we are all still human and we make mistakes. I know I try my hardest to support him even when I disagree with how he is handling things but at the end of the day it just works for him. I know I have learned so much about what works for me but also an appreciation for other ideas that have the same results at the end. I know I have struggled at time with my Diabetes and especially with 


  1. I really enjoyed reading how differently the two of you deal with diabetes stress. Great reminder that no two journeys are alike!

    1. John and I definitely different in how we deal with challenges but at the end of the day at least it works for both of us.
