Monday, June 11, 2012


             A couple months back I was at a lab waiting to get some lab work done before an up coming Dr.'s appointment. I was sitting their quietly in the waiting room was packed. It was early around 8 and I was fasting. There was several things I needed to be fasting for including my A1c. I over heard a conversation from two seats over. Their were two women. The conversation was like this.

    Women in blue shirt - Spoken in loud voice - I wonder why that women has a service dog?

     Women in teal shirt - I wonder if she is blind?

      Women blue- I don't think she is blind she signed in at the counter.

      Women teal - Mabey she is deaf? I can't figure out why she would need a dog she looks completely       healthy to me.

       Women blue- I wonder if she has epilepsy. I just noticed that the vest said medical alert dog.

       Women Teal - I bet she is a trainer most likely there is really no way that women is sick she is way too young.

        Women blue- That must be it. I wonder if she would tell us about the dog? 

                 I finally chimed in that I can hear quite well and not I was not deaf but they must realize that people can have illnesses they can't see. My illness does warrant needing a service dog. I told them that I have a chronic illness and that is not always polite to ask about a person's disability. I told them that when they make a fuss over a dog that it can make a person feel different when I really am like any other normal person. The women responded that they had never thought of things in that light. They thanked me responding so politely. I try my best to respond as nicely as I can but the general public can make that difficult from time to time.

                 I get stopped frequently by strangers and they seem to want to know everything but I think I need some privacy from time to time. I love to educate but it can be tiring from time to time. I think these women would of been surprised what my issue was and I have a feeling they would of told me that if I lost some weight the issue would go away which we all know is not true.

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