Monday, June 17, 2013

Very Bad Encounter

                          I have to say working in a huge office can be difficult with so many personalities. I know I have this woman who works on the office who constantly has purposely makes snide remarks about Duchess being out from under my desk at the office and that she should not be sitting next to my chair . I work in the bunch of cubicles and Duchess having to stay all day under a desk that is dark for ten hours seems to be unrealistic in my mind. Today my blood sugar was not wanting to stay in range so I decided to start eating my lunch and once it was high enough bolus for my lunch. So I took my test kit down to the lunch room with me and was eating them I tested. I did test some what under the table as always. I try to keep it out of everyone's site if possible. I guess I was not hiding it well enough because that woman told me at lunch that she never wanted me to test my blood sugar down stairs in the lunch room which is interesting because he sister was a type 1 diabetic who died. She said blood makes her sick and I should not do it where people can see. I find it interesting how she can't see it but I am sure her sister had to test her blood sugar too. I know she talks about how she used to spend so much time with her sister but I find it hard to believe she would have such an issue. I have decided I am going to do what I need to do and forget about her. I normally test at my desk but today was not my normal routine either. So I will do what I need to do regardless of others feelings and most at the lunch table all commented they did  not care because they knew I needed to take care of things. I am not going to bend over backwards for someone who dislikes me and Duchess for no good reason and makes work for difficult.

                         I then find out she went to my manager saying that blood makes her sick and she should not have to deal with that at work. I am always going out of my way to walk around so she does not have to see or be near Duchess but after a while I have realized I am being too accommodating and that stops today. I go out of my way to make sure I do not upset too many people if possible but sometimes that is impossible. I have gotten myself so worked up that my blood sugar is 200 now. So insulin is on board and I am hoping things work out.


  1. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Dogs are much easier than people...:)

  2. Good for you for being strong. There is no pleasing some people. You are right trying to be "nice" to her may have given her the idea that you could easily be pushed around. I honor your good sense of self, especially when some make it sooo hard!

  3. Thanks Laddie Some times the Dogs are so much easier to be around. Thank you Ann. I know she did assume that because I really never give her a response to her snide comments and I am glad I don't. I am hoping that my new changed attitude of I am going to test regardless will be accepted.

  4. We had a sub say to me that she was afraid of dogs. A sub ... who can work at any school in our district ...

    My response -- my medical condition trumps your fear.

  5. I know my disability trumps her fear or issues with blood but I am sure she will come up with some excuse to get what she wants but I am not backing down.
