Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Struggles with Eating Out

                        I have some up coming events at work in which a large group of us are going out for lunch. I always struggle with the fact that I limit the groups choices of where I can go for lunch. Normally I get emailed a list of one's we can pick from and I review the menu's for items that I will be able to eat safely. I also look at reviews and such for people with Celiac's disease who have eaten at those restaurants. I have learned a great deal about eating out from others experiences as well. So I try to be as flexible as possible and I always willing to eat a salad if I need to so that they can enjoy certain places. I also want to be able to eat more than salads so when we have our work staff appreciation lunch i try to pick a place where there is options besides just a salad. I am always prepared with lara bars or kind bars in my purse to if I end up eating a salad because I will have not other carbs except for in the dressing. I sometimes feel like I am okay with making sacrifices or accommodations if necessary but I always struggle with having other people adjusting because I am there or will be going to lunch. I always feel like I don't want to burden others with my diabetes or celiac's disease in any manner. I know for me it has been a really heavy load to carry at times and I feel like my work dealing with my seizures last year and seeing my bad lows as heavy burden in some ways for them as well. I am always trying to reduce them feeling responsible for having to watch out for me. I know they care but I feel like that should be my concern and not theirs but I am also glad they know what to do in a case of emergencies or seizures. I know I have a big issues over the years in letting others help me because I want to do it all but I know sometimes I need to be okay with needing what is necessary.

                        I know next week when our lunch comes around it will be fun but I wish my limitations did not limit others in any way but I guess that is my life now in some ways. I know the celiac's disease thing has actually been the hardest thing to adjust to in many ways verses the other medical issues I have. I find it interesting how much it can affect your life. I do have a friend now with it as well and I have learned some things from her as well. Hopefully the longer I have it the easier it will get and less guilty I will feel for needing to avoid gluten.


  1. I would never give thanks for having Type 1, but the eating part of diabetes is much easier than having to deal with Celiac. And those of you who have to deal with both, I don't see how you do it.

  2. It can be tough handling both but most of the time its pretty manageable. I do preplan a lot of things to make the process easier.

  3. It must be really hard. I'm similar in not wanting other people to be bothered because of me - heck, aren't we all like that? I think it must be magnified for you though, and I give you a lot of credit for being so accommodating to everyone.

  4. Thanks Scott. It has been a challenge but this lunch went really well and I did not have any gluten exposure.
