Wednesday, March 4, 2015

UGH the Lows are Back

Some times I really do well with keeping the lows at bay but all of sudden this week I am bottoming out. I am back to using temporary basals to help keep the lows at bay but I know today I woke up low around 55. I have had three lows already for the day and it is early. I know yesterday I did not go to the gym as normal because I was having so many lows. I am even doing combo bolus options to avoid lows when eating certain types of foods. I know I am not using more insulin than I should be. I just adjusted my carbohydrate rates for the day. I know at times weather changes and other changes tend to make me more insulin sensitive at times. I know I should have worked out last night even if I only worked out for 30 minutes that might have helped but at time it is better for me to rest and then go back to my routine the next day.

So I am reviewing everything to see what is causing the crazy lows. I have been under some stress yesterday but not on Monday where I had the same issue. So at this point I am not sure where to look as to the cause. So I am increasing my snacks or eating more frequently to battle the lows. I am really hoping I can get back to normal again because I have become accustomed to having less lows and so I am a little frazzled by how many are showing up. Thankfully Duchess has been aware of the issues and has been warning me pretty early to the lows which has helped to avoid some as well. So I am trying to keep up with my increasing work load at work and trying to just keep my from getting low brain as I like to call it. I tend to get to a point where it feel like I am working in foggy weather mentally which is not ideal. I know today is better than yesterday but not quite where I want to be.


  1. ...grin...maybe your pancreas has decided to punch the time clock again...darn unpredictable diabetes...grin...

    1. I think you could be right you never know when a malfunctioning pancreas can decide to work. I am hoping it goes back to normal soon.

  2. Me too!!! I've been crazy low for about a week and I can't take it anymore!!!! I hope things settle down for you (and me) soon.

    1. I am sorry Karen. I know its no fun for either of us. Hoping you and me get back to normal real soon. I wonder what fluke things is causing it. I know this weekend is time change so sadly it will take a bit to get back to normal.
