Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Little Sad

I had such a wonderful time at the Friends for Life Conference the past two years. Every year I feel so incredibly blessed at the opportunity to go and meet so many wonderful people. Each year I meet one more person that leaves me inspired by their ability to handle the difficult and make it look easy. I know every year I meet some really incredible kids and families as well. The whole experience leaves me inspired and hopeful. I know I plan on attending again next year because this conference has become something I want to experience. Seeing all the green bracelets and the feeling of acceptance is an indescribable experience. I love the whole week of non-stop activity and fun. I also really love going to Disney world as well. It is always a fun experience.

I am now feeling rather sad that it is over and it won't be until next year that I get to see a great deal of my new and old friends who have become a big part of my life. I don't feel alone but the distance seems incredibly big at times. I know that part of the conference is this big exciting time and then the small period of time where I am bummed that it is all over until next year when I get to start the process all over again. I know Duchess even seems to love it even though she is on high alert for most of the trip. I know that I will see most of the people next year but I am sad that I don't get to see some of my great friends who are really a support network of people who get it. I know I need this more than I realize at times.I know I feel blessed for this time to interact and learn a great deal. I know this year I learned more than the first time I attended.

I can't wait to see what next year will bring and I know I can't wait to see my friends again.


  1. I've been feeling the exact same way for the past few weeks. It is never ever enough time together, and way too much time in between. :(

  2. I couldn't agree more. It is such an intense experience that seems to have such a dramatic drop afterwards which is incredibly tough. I know Duchess has been a little sad too.
