Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shocked by Responses to My Question

I had an interesting question with several friends over the past couple of weeks. I know my dating life is not as exciting as it once was. I also know that over they years the men I have ended up dating were not necessarily the best. I know over the years the one's that stuck around for a while tended to disappear after one bad low or bad experience with a low or seizure. I also really understand how scary that is as well because I dated a guy who epilepsy and would randomly fall if he started to have a seizure even though I knew exactly what to do I know it could be a bit over whelming at times. Knowing what I know now that still would not have stopped me from dating him.

I have been feeling a little frustrated by dating in general and that with my already stressful life it can be a bit much. My life has so much going on even with having Duchess part of my life. It tends to draw a great deal of attention which seems to bother some of the people I have dated in the past couple of years. I know some people love having Duchess around and others after a while prefer me to leave her at home some of the time. I am not big on that because I know the risks involved with doing so. I know who ever decides to date me will be faced with scary lows and seizures. They also will be faced with my Celiac's disease as well which is not easy either. I know my life is a great deal to take on so I have not been trying to date as much in the past couple of years because I have had so many leave and never call me again after a moment of scary.

I was discussing this with my friends and some of their responses were a little shocking to me but maybe I am just more optimistic. Most of them told me that I should not be dating because no guy is going to want to date me when I have my Diabetes the way it currently is and that I don't have as much to offer as someone who is healthy. I found this surprising and some what hurtful at the same time. I know they are trying to be truthful. I know one even told me I should plan on just being alone because she does not think anyone will want to take on all the craziness my life has in store.

I know I feel like I have a great deal to offer someone else but I was rather taken a back by some of the statements. I do have to say that my best friend was very supportive and thought I deserved someone one great. She did acknowledge that it was take a special kind of person to want to learn about Diabetes and be willing to go along for the ride. She also knows that I do so much for the people in my life so she knows I do have a lot to offer but some things are more difficult for me verse some one who is healthy. I know all these facts but I also felt like in some ways my friends thought because I am Diabetic I don't have as much to offer I know there a great deal out there to feel differently. I guess I am just shocked by the responses.


  1. Wow Tara, I can certainly understand why you'd be upset by those comments, especially those from friends. I think your best friend is right, you'll find someone who is special because they care about you and are grown up enough to realize that includes D and Dutchess. I remember chatting quite a bit with you at FFL last summer and thought you were kinda awesome!

    1. Scott thank you for the very sweet comment. I know my friends mean well they sometimes get so carried away they forget that they are being over protective or just very blunt but I love them regardless. Hope to see you again at FFL.
