Thursday, July 5, 2012

Interesting Start to Vacation

               I had a wonderful start to my vacation. Including a stop once I got into California to one of my favorites In and Out which I really love. They have gluten free options which is so nice. I did not expect to wake up on July 5th to EMS in my friends house. My dog woke my friend up just before I started to seize. It was a rather short seizure and then I started to come out of it even before the EMS arrived which was good. I honestly think that the travel and not sleeping as much as I needed before heading out early the next day was not the best of choices I made that day. I was rather hoping for a quite relaxing vacation which was not really what I got. I hate to scare my friends and family when things like this happen. I was honestly so very proud of my dog. Duchess continues to amaze me because again she saved my life. The EMS had never heard of a diabetic alert dog but were accommodating in that they did not separate us. Some EMS in the past have requested that she be put away but that can be a very traumatic experience for a service dog. Duchess is very protective and only want to be with me through the good and the bad.

                Duchess has an amazing way of making me feel safer and she continues to amaze me with her abilities She really asks for very little in return and I try my best to make her life the best I can make it. I found a dog bakery in Sonoma California and I took her to get some very deserved treats. The funny thing about this seizure is that I was not tired in the least after it happened and I continued on with my day like nothing had happened. I enjoyed some time relaxing by the pool and walking around town. I am thankful for each and everyday I have. I am really hoping for a quite relaxing part for the rest of my vacation. I will be posting some new vacation photos soon.

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